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Cloud-Based Recording and Analytics Services

Neo Cloud Services

Recording, Analytics and Compliance in the Cloud

Recording your corporate communication and keep it compliant

ASC offers its entire portfolio comprising of call recording, compliance, analysis of corporate communication and quality management as on-premise software as well as in the cloud as flexible services. This way, you profit from state-of-the-art call recording technology and meet highest requirements regarding security, performance and compliance.

Neo Cloud services feature a high-availability architecture safely operated in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Modern encryption methods and comprehensive access management protect your sensitive data. On the basis of the recorded communication, compliance and service quality can be analyzed and the results displayed in informative reports. Further tools for process management, desktop analysis, and eLearning can be added as the need arises.

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Neo Cloud Services

Neo Cloud Services Highlights

Recording, compliance, and analytics as services – tailored to your needs, directly in the cloud

Compliance recording

  • Recording of all media
  • Complying with legal regulations
  • Highest security and availability

Analytics as a service

  • Keyword spotting and emotion detection
  • Transcription
  • With appropriate alerting

Cloud storage

  • Replicating your data in the cloud
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Long-term storage, even when replacing local servers

Dial-in recording

  • Recording of mobile devices
  • Efficient search and replay
  • Redundant and revision-proof

Neo Cloud Services

Why you should use services in the cloud

Cloud storage and automated legal compliance

Easy setup

No local installation, easy integration into the Neo Cloud

Unlimited flexibility

Increasing capacities flexibly as the need arises

Secure storage

Redundant and encrypted data storage in Azure Blob Storage

Professional operation

Operated and monitored by ASC 24/7

On-Premise integration

Data import from on-premise recording servers and PBXs

Reseller structure

As a partner, we offer comfortable customer administration

Neo Cloud Services

Neo Cloud Services for Service Providers

Automated setup and administration in addition to diversified functionalities for your customers

With the flexible services from the Neo Cloud, you as service provider can add compliant call recording, analytics, and quality management to your portfolio. Our cloud services are tailored to meet the specific requirements of contact centers, financial service providers, and public-safety institutions.

Our services from the Neo Cloud offer you the possibility to implement provisioning of your tenants and their users via one API. As a true multi-tenant system, the Neo Cloud provides access management on tenant level and guarantees strict separation and highest security of customer data by means of state-of-the-art encryption. Thanks to our flexible approach, you can administrate your end customers and offer your sales partners the same for their partners and end customers.

Your customers would like to integrate separate on-premise components? No problem: you can easily import the data from old on-premise systems to the cloud, store a redundant copy of data from systems that are still in use, and even keep your existing ASC recording server on premise and just add analytics from the Neo Cloud, for instance.

Including quality and availability guarantees of 24/7 operation by ASC, of course!

Neo Cloud Services


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