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Public Sector Software
for Compliance

Improve critical communication and protection for people and assets

Optimize Emergency Communications with Reliable Recording and AI data Analytics

Public safety and security organizations must record communications in a legally compliant manner to meet requirements and provide immediate access to relevant information in the event of an emergency. This poses a major challenge especially when it comes to emergency response and coordinating between the organizations involved. 

Our emergency services software supports multimedia recording, documentation, and analysis of voice, radio, text, video, and associated metadata, making processes more efficient and significantly improving the ability to respond to emergencies. Through the use of AI technologies, we are continuously improving the communication capabilities of public safety answering points.

With AI Data Analytics Public Safety Answering Points Improve Productivity

AI-based analytics software offers a valuable tool for streamlining processes, enhancing decision-making, and enabling swift and effective responses in emergency situations.

Status Quo

Emergency call centers today are currently under-staffed and must devote scarce resources to non-emergency calls as well.


Managing call volume with the existing team is a productivity challenge.


Implementing AI to automatically analyze all caller interactions.


Increased staff productivity and improved process compliance.

Typical Requirements for Emergency Call Centers and Public Safety Organizations

Compliance with regulatory requirements when recording your emergency communications improves the efficiency of incident analysis and documentation and identifies opportunities for process improvements.

Reliable Recording

  • Omnichannel recording of all communication channels, incl. radio
  • Fast access
  • High availability
  • True multi-tenancy

Artificial Intelligence

  • Automatic call categorization between emergency and non-emergency calls
  • Fast prioritization
  • Real-time alerting for emergencies
  • Keyword and phrase recognition

A Public Sector Software Adhering to Government Regulatory Compliance

Respond to emergencies and reconstruct recent calls at the touch of a button.

Seamless recording of communication

through recording of all communication channels

Instant conversation reconstruction

for a quick overview of crisis situations

Automatic call categorization

for detection of trends

Threat call recording

through recording control in case of threats

Comprehensive Information on our Solutions for Recording, Analytics, and AI for the Public Sector

Our extensive range of resources allows you to stay informed about the latest developments, areas of application, and benefits of our solutions.