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Compliance Software
Tailored to Your Business Needs

Compliance management for recording and analyzing
all your customer communication

Specialized Compliance Software for Financial Institutions, Contact Centers, Healthcare, and Public Safety

Many industries face the challenge of complying with complex regulations while ensuring the quality of their customer communications.

This is particularly true for financial institutions, contact centers, public safety, and healthcare, where stringent compliance requirements are essential. These requirements involve recording, monitoring, and analyzing communication data to meet legal standards and minimize risks. Trust our expertise in compliance recording to overcome your compliance challenges and sustainably improve the quality of your customer communications.

Financial Institutions

Our compliance software solutions for banks and financial service providers enables compliance recording and analysis of your communications. Utilize AI to comply with regulations, detect fraud, and minimize risks. With our solutions, you ensure adherence to all relevant regulations, including MiFID II, GDPR, and Dodd-Frank.

Contact Center

Efficient and compliant customer communication is the cornerstone of every contact center. Our compliance software ensures that all interactions are recorded and analyzed in full legal compliance. Create your own policies and use AI for automated quality management to continuously improve team performance.


In healthcare, data protection and data security are of utmost importance. Our compliance software enables HIPAA compliance recording and analysis of all communication to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including GDPR. With our solution, you protect sensitive patient data, minimize risks, and improve the efficiency of your communication processes.

Public Safety

Authorities and organizations in the public safety sector face the challenge of complying with stringent legal requirements while ensuring the security and efficiency of their communication processes. Our compliance software supports you in the lawful recording and analysis of communication data to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and detect potential risks early.

FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About Our Compliance Software

Compliance software is a tool that helps companies meet legal and regulatory requirements. It assists in monitoring, recording, and analyzing communication data to ensure all relevant regulations can be followed. This is crucial for avoiding legal consequences, detecting fraud, and strengthening customer trust. Learn More About Compliance Recording.

Our software enables the lawful recording and analysis of communications to allow compliance with regulations such as MiFID II, GDPR, and FinVermV. This helps banks detect fraud, minimize risks, and meet all legal requirements. More about Compliance for Finance.

The compliance software provides contact centers with the ability to ensure that all customer interactions are recorded and analyzed in a legally compliant manner. The software allows the creation of policies, defining when calls and meetings should be automatically recorded. Additionally, it helps companies set retention periods according to corporate policies and legal requirements, create a complete audit trail, and automate risk management processes with AI. A reliable compliance management software can help contact centers strengthen customer trust and enhance performance.

Solutions for Contact Centers

Compliance software is essential for public safety as it ensures the lawful recording and analysis of communication data. This includes the multimedia capture of voice, radio, text, and video in such way that legal requirements can be met and relevant information can be accessed in emergencies. The software helps enhance the efficiency of emergency communication, detect risks early, and improve coordination between involved organizations. AI technologies allow for automatic categorization and prioritization of emergency calls, significantly increasing responsiveness. More Info for Public Institutions.

In healthcare, our software protects sensitive patient data by enabling awful recording and analysis of communication. It helps comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and improves the efficiency of communication processes to ensure the highest standards of security and data protection. More Info for Healthcare.

Yes, our compliance software is flexible and can be customized to meet your company's specific needs. It seamlessly integrates with existing systems and processes to ensure an optimal user experience. More About Our Technology Partners.

Yes, ASC is ISO 27001 certified. This certification confirms that ASC has implemented a robust information security management system (ISMS) that meets international standards. The ISO 27001 certification demonstrates ASC Technologies' commitment to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and continually improving security practices. Customers can trust that their data is managed and protected according to the highest security standards. More About ASC.