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Tanti Auguri! 25 Years of Successful Cooperation Between ASC and ADABUS

25th anniversary of a German-Italian success story

What began 25 years ago as a sales cooperation between ASC, today one of the world's leading software providers for voice recordings out of Germany, and the Italian company ADABUS, has become a European success story: ADABUS has been distributing ASC's voice recording and analytics solutions since 1993. ADABUS has since then concluded almost 2,500 projects in Italy. Today, the Italian system house contributes a large share to ASC's business. "ADABUS has thus played a decisive role in ASC's Europe-wide success story," says Gerald Kromer, Chief Executive Officer, ASC.

In Europe, ADABUS is one of ASC's largest partners and plays a central role in consulting, project planning, software integration and installation. ADABUS' customer list reads like a who’s who of the Italian economy: service companies such as Dialogo, public institutions such as the Trenitalia railway company, the Milan airport or financial institutions such as Unicredit or the Intesa San Paolo Bank rely on the competence of ADABUS and ASC's recording and analysis solutions. Those dialing the emergency number in the regions like Lazio, Frulli, Roma or Veneto are also recorded by an ASC solution managed by ADABUS. With the ASC recording solution, AREU, the emergency management agency of Lombardy, even received an award for the best emergency response project in Europe.

“ADABUS and ASC have always shared the same values that have enabled us to reach such an important goal, achieved with commitment, passion, determination and honesty, supporting the idea of doing business by enhancing the real values of men and work, always pursuing quality objectives, reliability and innovation”, says Mauro Destefanis, Managing Director of ADABUS. “ASC has always had an extraordinary strategic vision of the market, always introducing innovative solutions ahead of competitors first. Additional extraordinary benefits of ASC for our customers are the services and support provided. It is precisely these activities that are addressed the best resources and attentions as they are of considerable importance in the strategic vision of the market, for us characterized by professional, consolidated and ongoing partnerships with all our customers.”

Looking back, Gerald Kromer says: "Mauro Destefanis and Maurizio Buscemi recognized early the entrepreneurial potential of our recording and analytics solutions and with their incredible engagement developed a success story in Italy. Their proximity to the market and their perfect understanding of the challenges of our joint customers are what distinguishes ADABUS.”