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Cloud Providers and Data Protection

ASC Handbook informs about Compliance and Data Security in the Cloud

Compliance, security, and data protection are top of mind with companies from all industries when it comes to cloud services. When moving to the cloud, it is essential to maintain the same level of security, data protection, and control of data as when storing data on-premise. But how can companies be sure of this, once the data leaves their business premises? How do they know whether the data is always readily available, who may access the data under which circumstances, which data protection standards apply, and how data is administrated? ASC Technologies AG has compiled a handbook which answers all these questions.

“Our handbook is meant especially for companies that are currently planning, initiating or already implementing their own cloud projects”, explains Dr. Gerald Kromer, CEO of ASC. “It answers the most pressing questions and provides helpful tips to make sure that companies are well protected on their way to the cloud.” The concise handbook “ASC Takes You to the Cloud – Tips and Hints on Compliance and Data Security” describes the evolution and the status quo of the cloud. More and more companies take their applications to the cloud hoping to benefit from scalability, a decrease in cost combined with a relief of internal resources. In addition, technological change and the desire to differentiate encourage the step to the cloud. But despite the general enthusiasm, some companies are still reluctant to purchase the respective services from the cloud. Especially regarding compliance, safety, and data protection, many questions have remained unanswered.

The handbook grants an overview of what cloud computing is and which standards there are based on national and international data protection laws for different industries. Furthermore, there are links to checklists as well as to the requirements posed on cloud service providers published by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the German Federal Office for Information Security, and the International Organization for Standardization. Besides, we list the most important factors which should be considered when opting for a cloud provider. Eventually, we have interviewed our ASC experts about what a successful cloud onboarding process looks like.