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Cloud is the Future

ASC study with revealing insights into status quo of cloud evolution

In the study “Communication 4.0 – Communication & Collaboration in the Cloud“ carried out by the software company ASC Technologies AG, experts share their attitude on the usage of cloud services – with special regard to the rapid developments in the IT industry. Among those polled were IT experts and executives of banks, insurance companies, and contact centers as well as from the public sector. The result: The trend is markedly towards cloud usage, the vast majority of decision-makers recognize its potential.

Cloud usage

Overall, there has been a growing demand in cloud services since 2016 as well as a strong increase in planners and consultants. A large number of the polled companies confirms that they are already pursuing a cloud strategy with very specific, clearly defined goals. Here and there, working groups have been set up to discuss digitization and the opportunities that cloud services may bring for the respective company. Mathias Himmel, Head of Telecommunication Technology at Deutsche Bundesbank, says in the study: “A working group was formed to discuss the topic of the cloud in depth. They are exploring the questions of which cloud solutions we need, which solutions can be implemented, and which solution offers the greatest possible data security.” Many of the polled companies increasingly use cloud services for their communication including recording and analytics, too.

Drivers and success factors

As the main reasons for using cloud services, study participants cite cost reduction, relief of internal resources as well as increased efficiency. Martin Moeller, Digital Transformation Principal for Banking & Finance in Western Europa at Microsoft comments on the evolution of the cloud, especially with regard to the financial industry: “The conditions for transformation through the cloud have never been better than today, never has the step into the digital age been more necessary than now. All of the sectors profit from going to the cloud, and especially the financial sector is currently beginning to use the advantages of cloud technologies.”

Reservations and obstacles

Apart from the many advantages, security concerns have also been expressed in the study: For non-users, the major reason for not deploying cloud solutions is the concern for data security. Especially public safety organizations and control centers are additionally worried about the ambiguous legal situation they are facing. At the same time, more and more cloud providers are specializing in data protection to be able to guarantee that data is always secure and readily available. This is also precisely regulated by a large number of standards including specifications regarding security, data protection, legal regulations, operation, risk management and risk control.

Dr. Gerald Kromer, Chief Executive Officer of ASC Technologies AG, comments the results of the study as follows: “The cloud offers companies the opportunity to run their business more agile while remaining innovative and fit for the future. The next logical step in technical development is clearly towards the cloud. Companies must actively deal with the topic of the cloud – those who do not act now, risk nothing less than the future and sustainability of their company.”