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Award Winning Emergency Contact Center in Italy Uses ASC’s Voice Recording Solution

AREU Wins Award for “112 Emergency Solution in Europe”

ASC announced that a contact center using its voice logging solutions received an award for the best emergency operations project in Europe. Competing against many other competitors, AREU, the emergency management agency in Lombardy, Italy, received the award from the European Emergency Number Association (EENA).

ASC’s voice logging solutions play a key role in the efficient operation of the emergency center, both during an incident and in post-event analysis. All interactions are preserved and stamped within 1/100th of a second accuracy, helping to reconstruct and analyze incidents.

Marco Mueller, Chief Operating Officer of ASC, said, “In an emergency every second counts. Improving agent response times by just a few seconds can save lives. Our intuitive user interface is tailor-made for the special needs of emergency agencies and therefore ensures that agents can fully focus on the matter at hand.”

Besides the solution’s reliability Mr. Mueller also pointed out that ASC’s customers benefit from additional features such as “Last Call Repeat”. It enables to replay the most recent interaction even while the call is still active. This feature is particularly useful since callers can panic during stressful situations and the agent may need to replay parts of the call to gather the most important details quickly. He also described the “Keep/Delete” option another popular function that can be used to preserve the entire conversation at any point during the interaction, critical for threat calls. With ASC’s recording solutions, supervisors may also add comments to calls and email them back and forth. This capability gives feedback to the agents, Showing how they can improve their performance, or can be used to point out best-practice operating procedures.

These features, combined with AREU’s overall operational excellence, guarantee a superior handling of critical communications and played an essential role in making Lombardy’s 112 emergency center an award-winning organization.

ASC’s products are promoted, implemented and serviced in Italy by its partner ADABUS. ADABUS has sold more than 1,600 ASC solutions during the past 20 years.