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ASC's Recording Software Certified for IPC Unigy Trading Platform

Compliant recording of encrypted conversations with EVOIPneo

ASC's recording software, EVOIPneo, has been certified for interoperability with the Unigy trading platform by IPC, a global leader in trading communications and applications for the financial industry. ASC’s multi-tenancy software offers compliant, transparent and cost-effective recording.

The European Financial Instruments Directive, MiFID II, takes full effect on January 3, 2018, and it requires complete, tamper-proof recording of all consultant interactions may lead to a transaction. ASC’s software, EVOIPneo, records all communications and permanently archives customer conversations with the highest availability.

Dr. Gerald Kromer, Chief Executive Officer of ASC, said, “Our integrated solution for IPC Unigy is especially tailored to meet the most stringent demands in the trading sector, and it provides information filtering for each transaction as mandated by the latest compliance regulations such as MiFID II. EVOIPneo enables reliable long-term storage of customer interactions regardless of the channel: voice, email, chat or video.”

Tamper-proof recording and storage of communications also allow rapid reconstruction of all interactions leading to a transaction in case of disputes. User-friendly applications provide efficient search-and-replay to quickly research relevant information.

In addition to tamper-proof recording and compliance with legal requirements, ASC's solutions are also deployed to analyze customer communications in contact centers, financial institutions and public safety organizations. The neo Suite provides complete recording and workforce optimization (WFO) capabilities encompassing voice recording, screen capture, quality monitoring, speech analytics, eLearning and workforce management.