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ASC Launches its Public Cloud

Recording, quality management, and analytics from the ASC neo cloud

Starting immediately, ASC Technologies AG is offering its entire portfolio with innovative solutions for the recording, analysis, and quality management of corporate communication from its own public cloud – the ASC neo cloud. The cloud services guarantee users highest degree of availability and greatest flexibility with low investment and quick implementation.

„The ASC neo cloud is the perfect solution for companies of any size – from mid-size companies to large corporations“, says Dr. Gerald Kromer, the Chief Executive Officer of ASC. „We create value for our customers by offering solutions that are scalable, are easy to use and highly available.“ Customers who use cloud services benefit from a key advantage: They pay for the services only when they use them. Expensive investments in IT and high administrative costs are a thing of the past – low total cost of ownership is a clear advantage in comparison with classic solutions implemented at the customer's site.

ASC was one of the first companies in the industry to make the decision to offer their entire service portfolio from the cloud – at first, from partner clouds and now from their own neo cloud as well. This strategy is supported by figures from Gartner: According to their study, the cloud telephony market will grow by about 16 percent in the next three years, while investments in classic telephone systems will decrease by about 10 percent – a fundamental change. The overall global market for cloud solutions will grow over the same period from just about 190 billion US dollars to over 300 billion US dollars. ASC neo cloud services record and archive, all corporate communications landline and mobile telephony, chats, SMS, video and screen communications – in accordance with given security standards. In this way, the cloud-based recording solution supports for customers in adhering to compliance specifications and legal directives such as MiFID II and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In combination with powerful analytical functions, companies receive an important tool for business intelligence, service optimization and the qualification of employees.

Due to its sophisticated multi-tenancy, the ASC neo cloud offers the highest degree of data security: Access to and storage of data are strictly separated by tenant. This way, neo cloud services not only meet European data security standards, but also have been used for years in particularly sensitive areas – such as banks and public safety organizations. The ASC neo cloud is distributed worldwide by a network of business partners.