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ASC is Session Speaker at Microsoft Business Summit 2019

Presentation on advanced compliance in the financial sector with Microsoft Teams

ASC Technologies AG is session speaker at this year’s Microsoft Business Summit 2019 staged in Frankfurt from 22nd to 23rd October. In cooperation with Microsoft, ASC is explaining how Microsoft Teams can be deployed in the financial sector to meet compliance regulations and what role ASC Recording Insights is playing.

Microsoft Business Summit is the largest and most important event for Microsoft partners in Germany. It targets Microsoft partners as well as companies looking for new ideas and impetus for their business as a whole. The leading theme of 2019 is shared intelligence: At the focus are the relationship of man and machine as well as intelligent business models and reliable partnerships as the stable foundation of economic success. Having been a long-year Microsoft Gold Partner, ASC has now additionally received the co-sell-ready status in the context of the Microsoft One Commercial Partner Program for EVOIPneo for Skype for Business, for the ASC neo cloud, and for ASC Recording Insights.

Shaping the cloud working environment of the future Financial market directives and data protection laws entail substantial changes for banks and insurance companies in terms of recording, archiving, and processing customer data. The regulations cover topics like access rights, retention periods, storage location, access to as well as the deletion of personal data and affect users of Microsoft Teams, too, of course. Furthermore, intelligent services like Microsoft Cognitive Services offer a wide range of possibilities to analyze corporate communication and turn it into a goldmine of knowledge. In the presentation given by ASC Technologies AG, interested visitors learn how ASC’s recording and analytics solution implements regulatory requirements and guarantees legally compliant recording and archiving in Microsoft Teams. At the speaker’s desk are Katrin Henkel (Chief Strategy Officer, ASC Technologies AG) as well as Laia Subirà and Gerhard Richter (Teams Technical Specialists, Microsoft).

“Our strategic partnership guarantees legally compliant recording in Teams. We are proud to have joined hands with Microsoft to actively shape the cloud working environment of the future”, Katrin Henkel says.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Microsoft’s Business Summit 2019 in Frankfurt. For more information about the event, please visit: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/partner/business-summit/default.aspx (in German).