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ASC and Microsoft bring Compliance Recording and high-performance Analytics into Microsoft Teams

Recording Insights enables compliance recording and analytics within Microsoft Teams

Hösbach, April 20, 2023 ­– ASC and Microsoft have partnered to make regulatory compliance automated and as easy as possible via a native Microsoft Teams–based compliance recording and analytics app: Recording Insights.

Manage your compliance with Recording Insights

In regulated industries, the need to ensure compliance by implementing corporate policies in external communications is a must. As a strategic Microsoft partner in the market, ASC has developed a fully comprehensive compliance recording solution that captures and stores all communication in Microsoft Azure, allowing companies of any size to comply with legal requirements.

Recording Insights is an app fully integrated into Microsoft Teams that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and scales across Microsoft Azure’s global infrastructure. The solution was created specifically for compliance management. It leverages and expands upon Microsoft Teams’ suite of compliance features to ensure that both ASC and Microsoft clients have the tools to meet ever-evolving and stricter regulatory compliance measures. Recording Insights also provides compliance recording for Teams Phone Mobile and truly supports today’s hybrid work environments – that’s unique to ASC.

Providing the insights businesses need

Using Speech Services, Natural Language Processing Services, and Emotion Detection, the app analyzes all recorded communication and turns it into valuable knowledge, thus enabling a proactive approach to compliance management. ASC Recording Insights for Teams can help businesses operating under strict jurisdictions exploit the benefits of digital collaboration, while also ensuring complete compliance with key global regulations.

Since its launch, Recording Insights has been an essential tool for banks, insurance companies, and trading desks that need to meet legal regulations, prevent fraud, and effectively manage risk. And as more data is being processed for the betterment of businesses, the native cloud solution has increasingly moved to contact centers, producing valuable insights for businesses to look through.

Find out how Recording Insights enables compliance recording and high-performance analytics within Microsoft Teams.

Visit Recording Insights for Microsoft Teams.