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Safe Data Storage for your communication recordings with Microsoft Azure Cloud

Cloud, Compliance

Read our latest blog post to find out why the Azure cloud is the ideal choice for storing your communications records and how it can benefit your business.



Safe Data Storage for your communication recordings with Microsoft Azure Cloud

In today's fast-paced digital environment, the importance of secure, compliant, and efficient communication cannot be overstated. Organizations face the daunting challenge of navigating complex regulatory landscapes while ensuring the utmost security and ethical management of their communication data.

Recording Insights uses Microsoft Azure to offer a comprehensive solution for organizations that aim to maintain the highest standards in communication security and compliance. By combining advanced technology with ethical data handling practices, this solution is designed to automate and streamline compliance with various regulatory standards, such as MiFID II, HIPAA, Dodd-Frank, and FinVermV.

Superior Data Security with Microsoft Azure Cloud

Microsoft Azure Cloud is a prime example for data security in the cloud, offering a deeply integrated, multi-faceted approach to safeguard digital assets. It leverages state-of-the-art encryption technologies to secure data both at rest and in transit, ensuring that sensitive information remains inaccessible to unauthorized entities. Azure's sophisticated access management system, including role-based access control and multi-factor authentication, meticulously governs who can access what, providing granular security controls.

Furthermore, Azure's global network of cybersecurity experts is constantly refining its security posture. They use cutting-edge threat intelligence and analytics to identify and neutralize potential vulnerabilities and attacks before they can be exploited. This comprehensive security strategy is proof of Microsoft’s unwavering commitment to providing a secure cloud environment. It allows organizations to focus on innovation and growth with the assurance that their data is protected against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Microsoft’s solution for Storing Large Data Volumes

Recording communication leads to a vast amount of data to store. Microsoft’s solution for storing massive data amounts is called Azure Blob Storage.

Azure Blob Storage is designed for:

  • Serving images or documents directly to a browser
  • Storing files for distributed access
  • Streaming video and audio
  • Writing to log files
  • Storing data for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and archiving
  • Storing data for analysis by an on-premises or Azure-hosted service

Recording Insights combines Azure Blob Storage with the latest bot technology to ensure that data from global communications is stored securely and in accordance with organizational policies.

Global Reach with Azure Regions

Global Reach with Azure Regions

ASC provides a flexible multi-region storage solution through Recording Insights, allowing customers to select from any Azure region for data hosting and storage. This capability offers several significant advantages.

  • Data Residency Compliance: Enables businesses to adhere to local regulations by storing data in specific regions.
  • Enhanced Access Speeds: Locates data closer to end users, reducing latency and improving performance.
  • Increased Redundancy: Boosts data durability and availability, ensuring business continuity during regional disruptions.

How Recording Insights Enables Compliance

In line with Microsoft focus on Responsible AI, ASC Recording Insight embodies the ethical responsibility of handling AI and customer data. Integrated mechanisms for detecting harmful use underscore the platform's commitment to security and ethical data practices. By prioritizing encryption and stringent data management policies, ASC and Microsoft ensure improved workflows and ethical handling of customer data, aligning with global standards for information security.

Configurable Access Rights

Another key aspect of the solution is the ability to configure access rights in a very specific manner, here are some of the most important functionalities:

  • Client-level Configuration
  • Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Collaboration and Sharing Controls
  • Notification and Alerts for Unusual Activity
  • Dynamic Access Rights Adjustment
  • Audit Trails for Access and Actions

This flexibility helps companies to comply with critical regulations regarding recording obligations and data protection.

Scalability and Accessibility

The cloud solution offers scalability without additional investment in infrastructure. In addition, Recording Insights is accessible wherever there is an internet connection - a significant advantage for remote working and flexible working models. Here is what you can expect:

  • Seamless Scalability: Recording Insights delivers a highly scalable cloud solution that enables organizations to adjust their usage levels up or down based on current demands without the need for further infrastructure investment. This adaptability ensures that businesses can manage growth or contraction efficiently.
  • Cloud-based Flexibility: The platform's cloud-based architecture means that resources can be quickly allocated or reallocated in response to changes in demand.
  • Cost Efficiency: By eliminating the need for additional infrastructure investments for scaling, Recording Insights significantly reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) and operational expenses.

Why our Customers Choose Recording Insights

The impact of Recording Insights is best illustrated through the experiences of those who have leveraged its capabilities. Matthew Key, a Systems Administrator at Olympus Insurance, praises the solution, stating,

"It simply works. Recording Insight’s powerful analytics tools enhanced our team’s efficiency – allowing our staff to focus on providing great customer service and giving them more time to tackle other critical tasks.”

This endorsement highlights the solution's ability to not only ensure compliance and data security but also significantly enhance operational efficiency and team performance. Read the full story here.

Mastering Data Security Compliance in Teams Recording with ASC and Azure

Recording Insights combines innovation with unparalleled security and data management hosted on Microsoft Azure, serving an one-stop solution for Microsoft Teams recording compliance and data security.

Leveraging the robust infrastructure of Microsoft Azure, Recording Insights users are in total control of their data, provided by a highly scalable, accessible and exceptionally secure platform that adeptly meets the demands of an increasingly regulated and digitised world.